Premium Consulting for Audio Editing (Voice Over, Audiobook, Podcasts, Content Creation)


This premium Audio Editing consulting is for those who want faster results. For quite some time, I have been helping people become successful in voice-over, audiobook narration, podcasts, and other audio-related fields.

If you want to see for which purpose people already took it, you can see it here:

If you need 1-1 help to get going faster in any of the audio editing software, you can take this:

  • Audacity

  • Adobe Audition

  • Reaper

  • Pro-Tools

  • If you have a preference, send me an email to

These are mainly 6 one-to-one video calls

What you will get from this service?

  • 6 Google Meet/Zoom 1-1 video call with me

  • Video calls will be 40-60 minutes

  • A detailed workflow suggestion and how to execute that workflow

You will have complete control over the schedule. We will discuss this and find a convenient time. As soon as you enroll in the service, you can start taking video meetings.

You can take the video calls:

  • On consecutive days

  • On each alternative day

  • On weekends

  • Or on any schedule you prefer

If you want to give gaps between the trainings, it is up to you.

You will have complete control over the training schedule. If you want to cancel or reschedule a training session, you have 100% freedom to do so.

If you want to know more about the schedule:

You will get:

  • Fast Result

You can choose any of the topics of consulting:

  • Voice over editing

  • Audiobook Narration

  • Podcasts

  • Content creation voice-over

  • Any kind of generic voice-over

For any query