Testimonial from voice over artist Lee McLaughlin


How to make your voice sound better using Audacity

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Audacity Tutorial - Step by Step Guide

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For any query, please send an email to info@master-editor.com

Easy Choice:

For Audacity, Audacity Bundle: https://shop.master-editor.com/products/audacity-bundle-beginner-to-advanced

For Adobe Audition, Adobe Audition Bundle: https://shop.master-editor.com/products/adobe-audition-bundle-beginner-to-advanced-guaranteed

Premium consulting Road-Map

This post is about my Premium consulting service: https://shop.master-editor.com/products/premium-consulting-for-audio-editing-voice-over-audiobook-podcasts-content-creation

I would like to let you know in detail how the service is provided to you. The main component of this service is 1-1 training via video calls.

Once you enroll in the service, you will be entitled to 4 video calls. The video calls will be conducted via Google Meet. If you have a Gmail account, you are okay.

In The video meetings, I will teach you all the necessary technical aspects of audio editing.

You will schedule these meetings, and you can reschedule them at any time.

You decide how frequent you want these meetings to be. You can schedule 4 meetings on consecutive days, alternative days, or 2 sessions per week.

You can also mix the meeting schedule. For example, you may have a couple of meetings on consecutive days and the rest after a 3- 4 day gap.

You do not have to pre-commit on the meeting schedule, and you can change it if you need it at any time.

The main point is you will have complete control over the meeting schedule.

However, I recommend taking the meetings within one month.

If you need extra sessions, you can book another premium consulting service.

These are designed based on my experience working with successful audiobook narrators, voice-over artists, and podcasters whom I have helped.

I have helped many people in different situations, and it is the fastest way to solve their issues.

If you have not enrolled in the service yet, you can enroll from here: https://shop.master-editor.com/products/premium-consulting-for-audio-editing-voice-over-audiobook-podcasts-content-creation

P.S. Premium consulting is not available at all times of the year. I only keep this service available in balance with my other workloads. If you see the above link is not functional, the service is not available at that time. In such a case, you can send me an email at info@master-editor.com to be on the waitlist for the next session.

What does 11 macros do?

This post is about this macro pack: https://shop.master-editor.com/products/eqs-and-macro-pack-better-voice-in-1-click-free-demo-available

It is my Best-selling Audacity product.

I have 11 macros in this pack, but what do they do? Well, they all do one thing very well. They make the raw/original audio better in a single click.

Then why 11 macros, not just 1? Because we need different kinds of solutions in different scenarios. I will explain those 11 scenarios. If you have not got the macro pack yet, it is high time to get it.

You will get the following 11 Macros:

  1. Clear Vocal Improve: It will make your voice sound clean and crisp. It is very well suited for audiobook narration.

  2. ESS reduction & Improve: Reduces sharp S or sibilance. Voice with sibilance issues will benefit from this macro.

  3. Improve Overall Experience: Make the voice clean and crisp at the same time. Similar to Clear vocal improve.

  4. Improve Sound Macro: Keeps the original tone and balances out the loudness to a perfect level.

  5. Intelligent Improve: Your voice will sound intelligent by boosting frequencies in a specific range. Some voices really come to life with this improvement.

  6. Interview Imrpove: This macro improves voice recording for an interview. You and your guests will become better and cleaner to listen to with this macro.

  7. Level & Improve: The main purpose of this macro is to balance out quite uneven recording. You can use this macro to Fix the uneven recording you have.

  8. Podcast(Apple) Improve Macro: Improves voice for podcasting and makes the loudness of Apple Podcast standard. However, I would suggest getting this dedicated Macro pack for Podcasts: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mastereditor/e/182439

  9. Podcast Macro: Improves voice for podcasting and makes the loudness Podcast standard. However, I would suggest getting this dedicated Macro pack for Podcasts: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mastereditor/e/182439

  10. Resonance Reduce and Improve Macro: Some recordings suffer from too much room resonances. This Macro can reduce that to an extent. However, I would suggest making a Custom EQ if resonance frequency occurs in 1 or 2 places in the frequency spectrum.

  11. Simple Enhanced Improve Macro: Does a generic improvement on the voice. The voice becomes smooth and crisp to listen to.

If you have not grabbed this macro pack yet, download it from here: https://shop.master-editor.com/products/eqs-and-macro-pack-better-voice-in-1-click-free-demo-available

Welcome to Master Editor SHOP

You probably came here from my YouTube Channel, "Master Editor." From now on, you will get the audio editing courses and tools in this Website.

You can also get those from the Buy Me a Coffee shop: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/MasterEditor

Both the shop contains the same product, just for payment convenience of users, I opened this new shop.