Edit, Cleanup & Process your voice recording under 5 minutes

3 334,60 kr SEK
  • Editing, cleanup & processing will take a maximum of 5 minutes per hour of recorded audio
  • Works with Audacity & Adobe Audition
  • I will teach you the "Secret" recording technique for faster editing and clean-up.
  • I will teach you how to get a perfect recording every time
  • I will give you tools to process your recording within minutes (Audacity, Adobe Audition)
  • Full-email support for up to 1 year
  • Tips on the feedback you receive from agents, studios, platforms
  • Support for up to 5 different types of recording, such as audiobooks, voiceovers (animation, announcer, commercial, etc.), content creation, solo podcasts, etc.

To know more, please email me at info@master-editor.com