14-Day Audiobook editing crash course ( with BONUS & Guarantee )

$354.71 NZD
Train Yourself to produce the audiobooks in just 14 days (starting from 13th June).
You set aside 30-45 minutes each day, at your own preference. Complete a simple assignment each day and send it to me.
You will get an assignment each day in your email.
You will get video instructions on how to do it.
After 14 days, your voice editing skills will be on a whole new different level.
You will have the automatic skill to edit audiobook in Audacity or Adobe Audition

* As an enrollment BONUS, you will be awarded an Audacity Bundle for free: https://buymeacoffee.com/mastereditor/e/187119

So you are getting $370 worth of learning material for FREE

* If you have already taken the bundle, you can participate without any additional charge. Send an email to biz.master.editor@gmail.com and write "Interested in 14-Day Audiobook Crash Course.

Quality guarantee & returns

**Guarantee: If you feel you don't have the working skills to perform a task after this 10-day training, I will do up to 10 Zoom calls with you. I charge $150/Hour for video calls: https://buymeacoffee.com/mastereditor/e/229629

That means $1500 worth of video calls as the Guarantee.

If you want Zoom call training after completing this 10-day training, you will not be asked any questions or judged. This is a no-question policy guarantee. If you feel you need separate video training, you get it, period.