Voice Over assignments - (Personal feedback on each assignment)

1.383,35 kr. DKK

Watching videos is not enough; you have to practice.

Practicing is not enough; you have to know if you are doing it correctly.

Otherwise, you may be heading in the wrong direction.

The purpose of these assignments is to make you finally ready for voice-over jobs.

You will get a set of 20 assignments.

You will do it on your own time and submit it on the website.

I will check and give you feedback on your mistake and how to correct it.

There will be no more confusion on your voice-over audio quality once you complete the assignments.

Assignments are given and have to be submitted at this link: https://learn.master-editor.com/courses/voice-over-assignments

Each type of audio editing will have assignments on several software. The supported software will be:

  • Audacity

  • Adobe Audition

  • Reaper

  • Pro Tools

  • Premiere Pro

  • Davinci Resolve

  • You can suggest your software

For more info, please email at info@master-editor.com